A year of content for graphic designers and creative entrepreneurs.

Vol. 052

A year of content for graphic designers and creative entrepreneurs. 

I committed to writing weekly for 1 year. And, it happened...what’s next?

A quick bite:

After 52 weeks of Monday Munch’s, I’m highlighting the top ten standout articles from this past year and what’s to come next!
Continue reading below…


Thankkkk youuuu!! I have received so much positive feedback over the past year when writing these Monday Munch articles. If not for dedicated readers, like you, I wouldn’t be doing this.

This is week 52! I’m pretty sure I mighta skipped a week in there at some point, but I’ve essentially been writing one article every week for the past year. Rain or shine, ideas or not, tired or stressed — I wrote this article. 

After 52 weeks of giving, I have one ask for you — can you please take 60-90 seconds to answer the few questions linked below?

I would love to know how I could make this weekly article better for you.

In addition to your much appreciated feedback, find below the top 10 articles based on most-read over the past year:

The top, most read articles I've written for freelance graphic designers and creative entrepreneurs:

  1. Losing $30k in 30hrs

    1. Yall like to watch me suffer, eh?!

  2. Free tools for graphic designers

    1. My most-used free apps, extensions and programs to run Vicarel Studios.

  3. Practice to Professional

    1. The process: from side hustle to full time self employed.

  4. Pomodoro Technique

    1. How to schedule your day to success.

  5. Branding and Rebranding

    1. How to approach branding projects.

  6. Self Promotional Newspaper

    1. Making $36k from sending a self promotional direct mailer.

  7. Commercial Hand Lettering Process

    1. How I approach professional hand lettering projects.

  8. Email Templates

    1. Save time, and thus money

  9. Getting better might be a waste of time

    1. Your creative practice is far, far more than just being talented.

  10. Sprint-based timelines

    1. Make more money by forcing yourself to work quicker. Even if you have no timeline, make one.

Writing this article weekly is a good reminder that it's worth doing "something", even if you don't really have a goal you're working towards.

Not everything needs to be a step towards some big, grandiose plan. If something feels good, if something feels right, just do it. And writing this article has felt (mostly) good.

At this point, nothing's really come of it. Yeah, maybe a bit more web traffic. And yes, I definitely feel great about providing free resources for others. But, other than that, the Monday Munch is simply a time for me to process my own thoughts and experiences in a way that hopefully benefits others.

What's next? I don't know.

I'm not sure if I'll keep doing this for a few weeks, a few months, or a few years. Maybe it'll turn into a podcast? Maybe that digital course will come out sooner than I expected... But, in the meantime I just wanted to again say thank you, thank you, thank for your support over the past year. More to come!


- Adam


As always, hit me with any questions or thoughts that you might have! For more, get 1-on-1 coaching or mentorship. Schedule a call.



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