Creative Entrepreneurs Need to Give Themselves Time to Plan.

Vol. 065

Creative Entrepreneurs Need to Give Themselves Time to Plan

You must give yourself time to reflect, plan, pivot, and adjust for this new year.

A quick bite:

New year, new you? Or are you tryin’ to keep things the same? I’m not one for lofty new year's resolutions; however, I am one to take time and reflect and plan based on my feelings of the previous year. I have some thoughts for ya.
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Stop. Take a break. Read a book (this was my favorite of the year) Breathe…

The end of the year sprint seems to be all too inevitable. The graphic design inquiries seem to pick up at the end of the year due to business trying to spend the remainder of their annual marketing budgets.

In some ways, this is great. In others, not so much.

Sprinting into the end of the year prevents you from resting, relaxing, resetting, and planning for the year to come. 

For the past four years I’ve taken a few hours to do this annual review. Taking the time to reflect on both personal and professional highs and lows enables me to audit what I’m doing, and recalibrate going into the new year.

It’s funny thinking back to this time last year… at the end of 2020, we thought that 2021 would be this fresh, new, “normal” pandemic-free year. 

We were wrong.

So, what can we take away from this? We can acknowledge that the days, years and our lives in general are incredibly unpredictable. Nothing is guaranteed. And with this in mind, I feel that we should take risks to go after that which we truly desire. 

Do you want to be a muralist? Now is your year to start painting murals! Do you wish you were a self employed logo designer? This is the time to start taking the steps towards making it happen. No more pushing it off till tomorrow…because we don’t know what tomorrow will bring.

But, don’t let me mislead you here — I’m not telling you to spend all your money on NFTs because Gary V told you to. You don’t need to go all in on something instantly. Take your time, allow yourself to rest, and be persistent.

We must find a balance or blend of passion and profession in our lives in order to remain motivated. It’s not all about the hustle. Simple changes in your day like a routine can help you become more efficient and therefore enable you to work less.

If you don’t give yourself the time to reflect on these things and plan for the future, you’ll likely find yourself in a similar boat this time next year.

So — what’s the message here? 

Think. Plan. But also relax! Drink a beer with your friends and family, and let’s start 2022 fresh and motivated.

I hope yall have a safe holiday season. I’m taking a break for a couple weeks — I’ll be back in touch on the 10th!


- Adam


As always, hit me with any questions or thoughts that you might have! For more, get 1-on-1 coaching or mentorship. Schedule a call.



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