NEW WORK: Curation Bev Co

Curation Bev Co: branding and packaging design for ready to drink cocktails, seltzers and wine spritz.

Client: Curation Bev Co
Collaborators: Common Good, Carly Salzman, FRNDS Agency, Chatter Club
Photos: FRNDS Agency

One of our longest-standing partners, Curation Bev Co, just launched in Colorado this week. Curation is a new-to-market ready to drink (RTD) alcohol brand based in Colorado. They are the first multi-category RTD company that has launched under one brand, and we had the opporuntity to create the visual identity, packaging design and collateral. Although having just entered the market, Curation’s canned cocktail, sweet tea old-fashioned has already won an award for “Best RTD Cocktail” by The International Whisky Competition.

More to come…